Cumbam Academy of Acupuncture is the charter run by the supervision of ACUPUNTURE MASTERS. The Masters mentoring in Cumbam Academy training centres are qualified with Government prescribed basis and as per the norms of UNIVERSITY GRANT COMMISSION.
Most of the masters of Cumbam Academy hold University recognized postgraduate degree in Acupuncture. They acquaint unique qualification in teaching acupuncture. Having hands on experience and exposure in acupuncture practice for many years. Served and serving as Curriculum Committee Members of Thanjavur Tamil University, Tamil Nadu Open University, Periyar Maniyammai University and Karaikudi Alagappa University.
Cumbam Academy Masters have written and published more than thirty books about traditional science.
Medium Of Instruction : Tamil , Malayalam, Kannada & English
Age Limit : No age limit
Course starts every Academic Year AUGUST. Admissions are starts from MAY.
Admission is available in two categories for One Year Course:
Course with University Certificate
Students with Plus two or other equivalent educational qualification can get trained and avail University recognized “Diploma in Acupuncture Science” (D.A.Sc.,) certificate.
Students with tenth or other equivalent educational qualification can get trained and avail University recognized “Certificate in Acupuncture Science” (C.A.Sc.,) certificate.
The first semester University exam will be held in the month of December, and Second semester University exam will be held in the month of May. Students should pay the examination fee separately as per the instruction provided by the University before the examination. ​​
Course without University Certificate
- ​Students studying the Acupuncture course without certificates are not eligible for practicing Acupuncture commercially. They can follow the Acupuncture lifestyle by themselves and can guide their friends and relatives with the learning of Acupuncture. Those students are not required to write any University exams.
Method of Training
Students who are interested in learning Acupuncture without certificates can avail this opportunity. The classes will be commenced in common with the same syllabus for both the students who are willing to avail University certificate and who are not willing to avail University certificate.
Courses are commenced with the combination of three methods called Classes, Observation Note and Book Reading.
Attending Theory and Practical sessions are mandatory. After each session of class, the students should recollect the concepts and write the observation note with their own understanding without discussing with other students and submit the observation note during the next month. Students will be referred with a book for reading every month. Reading the reference book and marking their understanding briefly is one of the parts of training.
Attendance, Observation note submission and reference book notes should have 90% compliance. If the students have attained only 75% to 90% of compliance, then they will be allowed for appearing examinations by attend additional classes and paying the penalty. Students who are below 75% compliance will be prohibited in writing University exam.
This special course is for interested public. In continuous four days Training in Basics of Acupuncture, Pulse Diagnosis and Treatment systems will be taught. This course conducted once in 3 months in different parts of Tamil Nadu based on number of students as well. Medium of Instruction: Tamil.
Course Date and venue : Check the Home page
This special course is for interested public. In continuous Two days Training in Basics of Acupuncture, Diagnosis and Treatment systems will be taught. This course conducted every month in different parts of Tamil Nadu based on number of students as well. Medium of Instruction: Tamil.
Course Date and venue : Check the Two days course page.